Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trick or treat flashbacks


                                                   Wow what a blustery day it was Sunday for kids to go trick or treating.  On top of that it was cold and rainy and just a mess.  In fact when it came closer for them to arrive Mark shook his head and said "if they were smart they would cancel trick or treating and postpone it till next week." Mom shook her head and looked at me and said 
                       "If I was a parent right now I would not be happy."  I am sure many weren't.  Yes the trick and treating went on.  Mark went out and got the candy and I sat out there for two hours handing out the candy.  I decided just to stay out there because the sound of the doorbell drives Onyx nuts.  
                         There were still a bunch of kids but there were not as many as usual. They would arrive in groups and there were small breaks in between.  So in those times I would go in the house and get warmed up and leave the bowel of candy on the porch just in case a kid or two came.  But anyway the wind was so was so fierce it caused a kid to fall and drop his candy and my heart broke when I heard him wail "my candy! my candy!" I just wanted to go help him but I saw his mom help pick up his candy and check him out.  Anyway as I was taking one of my breaks mom said that this had been one of the worst trick or treating days in a long time and she told me the story of how it was one year when we lived in Uniontown before we moved to North Canton.  
                      She said it was a cross between rain and snow then and from what I heard we went at night as soon as it got dark out.  OK OK enough about trick or treating you are probably wondering what costumes I've seen.  I will also let you know what I had been for Halloween when I was little.
                                      Costumes I've seen 
                                        X man (he was the one who fell)
plus many more.  Becca sent me a photo of Aria who was dressed up as minnie mouse and my friend Robyn who I am starting to get close to again told me she was dressing her daughter up as princess Belle.
                                     Characters that I have been
                                       minnie mouse
                                       Jasmine (I dressed up as her twice but wore different outfits.  One outfit was the white dress she wore when she got married to Aladdin and the other was her her blue one you first see her  in the first film.
                                      Snow white
                                      Hershey Kiss (I wore that twice)
                                      Which (I wanted to be an evil which but mom wouldn't let me LOL.  
                                       Sunflower (that was my last and final costume that I wore trick or treating.   That was probably my favorite.  
I am sure that I have been many more but I can't remember them all LOL.  Well I am just curious what did you dress up as for Halloween in the past or what was trick or treating like for you?  Comment and let me know.      XOXO     

Friday, October 26, 2012

Baby baby baby ooh


                                              I know Justin Beiber's song lyrics as the title of my post, you are probably already laughing at at me.  As you know from the post that I titled Dreams I am not the biggest Beiber fan but what I am about to share with you fits perfectly with this title LOL.  Well anyway you all know that I watch GMA (good morning america) with mom before she leaves but after she left they had the cutest thing come on.  They had a baby crawling race.   They had 5 babies who were not yet potty trained crawl on the floor for 60 seconds to get to the finish line. 
                                       The babies each had bibs with numbers on them.  It was cute because when their parents put them down and set the timer they wouldn't crawl right away and then the baby I fell in love with when I first saw her photo and description started moving.  She was bib number 2 and her name was Serena.  But then the others started moving also, as they were moving Justin Beiber's song Baby was playing in the background and that's why I chose it for the post title.  Serena was doing fine and maybe would have won but did a U turn blocking some of the other babies paths.  
                                    In the end bib number 3 won.  A baby boy named Devin.  He was a cutie as well.  All the babies were cuties but I couldn't help but root for Serena.  :)  Devin and his parents were presented with a trophy which I am sure he'll treasure when he's older.  
                                    But anyway I just had to share that.  Anyway I will be spending some time with Sophia tonight after we go to an event and she's a baby so I guess the title fits great.  I can't promise you an update because you know I don't blog as often as I used to but I will blog.  So don't worry I will not quit blogging.     

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The pumpkin carving contest update


                                                           Well we did it!  We had our pumpkin carving night with the new traditions and all and I must say it was a blast.  I am sorry I didn't update you on this sooner but I wanted to wait till the pumpkin seeds were made and those take awhile.  Mom soaks them in salt water over night and roasts them in butter, and garlic salt until they are nice and brown and they are to die for.  Mom cooked them last night and they were delicious as always.  
                                                     But anyway back to the other night.  After I got back home from church with Jess I could smell what mom had planned to make.  Her special chilli recipe everyone loves and I saw the block of Philadelphia cream cheese along with the bag of carmals that I had to unwrap in order to make the carmal dip everyone loves.  So yes it seemed like we all had a some sort of job to do if you were home to get everything ready whatever it be stirring the chilli, laying out the newspapers ect but sooner or later we were done.  James and Joy had joined us on Skype and we were talking and just having a blast.  It was funny because in a way it was like James, Nathan, and his friend Ryan were almost  racing each other trying to get theirs carved first but they really weren't.  
                                            James yelled "One pumpkin is ready and even had mom running in from her place in the kitchen with a surprised look on her face.  She was like "No way you can't be done with yours yet,"  but we all laughed when he put Joy's dog Bella on the table along with the other dog Boggart.  There are so many types we did and yes I even did one.  Mom gave me a drill  drew a design and I drilled holes and instead of a candle mom put Christmas lights.  I have photos on facebook of how they turned out.  Joy sent me hers all lit up.  She did muffassa from the lion king.  I don't know if we judged this year but if I was a judge Joy and and Hailee would have been the winners.  :) 
                                  Aunt Karla said she liked mine the best out of all of them.  The photos are still up on facebook if you want to take a look and judge.  So in conclusion it was fun and even though James and Joy weren't there at our actual house at least they were there in another way. :)       

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New traditions occuring


                                                   As you know James and Joy have moved to Texas and they seem to be doing well and they keep us updated on what they are doing as far as their jobs, what their doing ect but on the other hand every time there is a party at the house or just when the whole family's together we miss them because we know that they would have been there.  In fact you guys might think it's funny but there are still some things that we do that you guys might think childish such as carving pumpkins.  Yes we still do that and we do cook the seeds.  Mom does them perfectly and many people such as our neighbors have tried to roast them exactly like hers but it didn't come close.  I think only our family members could master the secret.  But anyway in the past few years we have had pumpkin carving judging contests.  
                                            Here is how our pumpkin carving contest usually works.  Whoever wants to carve a pumpkin will choose their stencil and start carving and once everyone is all done we will turn out the lights and light it up and take photos and everyone votes.  As we are doing it we are eating soup, and carmal dip, and apples and just having Autumn foods.  If you are asking what some past winners are:  Joy was a winner one year and so was Nathan and maybe James.  No I have never been a winner because I haven't participated in the carving process but I have helped by getting my hands in everyone's pumpkins and getting the seeds out.  But this year I might try carving even if it's just the basic jack o lantern.  But anyway this year the tradition is going to change a little. 
                                             James and Joy will be joining us from skype and be carving their pumpkins and we will on teams as far as judging so may the best team win.  I will upload some lit pumpkins that we carved on my facebook page and let you judge now that I have a smart phone but all I am asking is don't pick MY pumpkin just because I carved one.  Well I better go Lots of love    

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


                                                   Isn't it weird how you do can things in you couldn't do in the "real" world, or maybe some of you have ever behaved differently then your normal self in your dreams?  Well anyway I had one of those dreams last night and I thought it was funny because it wasn't like me at all.  In the dream I had gotten a job baby sitting and these two girls dragged me to a Justin Beiber concert.  Of course I sit through the concert but then I sneak out backstage and as he is exiting I tell him to f...k off.  I of course don't know what caused me to have that dream but I would never say that to him directly in real life but in my dream that's what I did.
                                                      No, I am not a Beiber fan but I do not HATE him.  I wish him the best in his singing career.  I think what allowed me to have that dream was from watching a behind the scenes footage from one of my favorite Hollywood news cast Entertainment Weekly.  They were showing what he does to warm up before he goes on stage and what he does to help people.  In fact all that past week Entertainment tonight was having a week devoted to him.  But anyway Nathan CAN'T stand him LOL.
                                                Well anyway I can have dreams that make no sense and I almost know that I am dreaming like when I was finding out I was pregnant with my first child and my husband in my dream was hugging me and talking about names,  I knew it was a dream a long it was like "Hold it, I know I am dreaming now, let me wake up" and I wake up and I know it's right.  But of course there are others that feel so real like the dream I had the seizure. :(  That dream was scary but anyway that was just a dream.  Well anyway that is the end of my dream lecture.  I guess I will get going.  Bye.  XOXO    

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"My" last visit with grandparents


                                                                Well I can't believe how time has flown by.  It seems like only yesterday grandma and grandpa were just coming back from their condo in Florida and coming back home to Canton for the Summer and I was constantly being picked up or getting dropped at their house or going to Cincinnati and Louisville with them.  But towards the end of the month that will all change because they will be heading back.  But anyway I am not sure when they are leaving but I have a feeling that last night was my last time I will see them before they fly home for Christmas.  We all went to their house and had a fabulous dinner.  Mom had brought the salad and grandpa had tried a new recipe he found in the newspaper.  
                                                         He made this spaghetti with a creamy clam sauce.  It was similar to his clam sauce he makes with his linguine but it was creamer.  Grandpa didn't care for it but grandma, mom, and I loved it.  Mark however seemed to like it but he later admitted that it wasn't like his original.  In my opinion I liked it better.  In my opinion I think grandpa didn't like it because it was new and he made it.  Someone (I won't name names) said that he doesn't like change.  I might have recommend that for my birthday one year.  :)                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yes, I was asked to stay the night but I just wasn't in the mood.  I can't believe I am saying it but I was starting to get bored over there.  I think it's time for a nice break and I will be ready to spend some time over there when they come home for Christmas.  :)  Plus I do need to start working on that gift again I have been slacking.  Well better go bye for now.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Updates on the changes that "occured"

                                                             Yeah I know it has been awhile since I have blogged but if you have been a facebook friend you know why.  It is a little too personal to post on here because I know I have many followers on here then 5 and I don't want to offend that person which is one of my dearest friends.  But anyway I thought I would send you updates how I am doing with the changes that I had said would take place on the post that I titled changes.  Now I won't update you on all of them but I will update you on the ones that have to do with me or how I feel.  
                                       New Hair style
                                                 I know, I know I already updated you on this topic on my last post but you are probably wondering if I regrets on getting my hair cut this style after a few days and the answer is no.  I still love it and I have continued to get so many comments on it.  The most recent one was from Christie (Jess's mom) when we all went to a church cook out.
                                       New purse 
                                        I absolutely LOVE my new Coach purse that mom had picked up for me on her last day at Dillards.  I just love the black leather and the silver buttons that you press to open the two front pockets you can use to put your cell phone in.  The other front pocket could be used for make up or whatever and there is plenty of room in the zippered part and it's not too small or big.  It's perfect.
                                        Mom's new job
                                                 She seems to like it but is a little frustrated because she is at the learning stage and is eager to work, but knowing her she'll learn fast.  :)  If you ask how I am adjusting to this it feels kind of strange because she is getting ready earlier now and before we had time to talk but now it just seems like we don't have time even when she's home because Mark just wants to talk but oh well I'll adjust.  
                                         My new smart phone 
                                                 You are probably wondering what smartphone I got.  The answer was... the I phone 4s 16 GB.  They were having a good deal on it I think because the I phone 5 was released.  I must admit I was a little nervous because it's made of glass but mom said to me with the proper case such as the outter box I should be fine.  She said I've always taken great care of my phones.  She laughs because she says I handle them so carefully and dainty LOL. 
                                               It makes her nervous to touch it because she is clumsy LOL.  But anyway I am having lots of fun with it.  So yes that are the updates on the changes.  Well better get going.  XOXO