Friday, June 1, 2012

                             Some needed rain; busy month
                                    Can you believe that June is here already?  Time seems to be passing by quickly and it seems like it is a start of a busy month.  It seems like we are starting out with some nice needed rain.  LOL I am sure grandpa is rejoicing when he woke up and saw it was raining outside.  In fact when I mentioned that we got a little bit the other day he just scuffed and scowled and said,
                                "We hardly got anything, we just got a spit."  
                                   In fact grandma said if we aren't going to get anything now we probably aren't going to get anything because July and August are some of the driest months.  So luckily we will get a start. Mark was telling mom this morning that this rain might do her some good at the mall as well because from what I heard things have been slow.  But anyway I have got to admit rain has some negative sides too.  It keeps me from taking my walks outside or at least right now.  
                                  I heard it is supposed to stop around lunchtime but in the meantime I might go give my room a real good cleaning.  By that I mean everything dusting the dresser, vacuuming, you name it and than I might go in the basement and workout. Well anyway it seems like this month is a busy time ahead along with many other events of the Summer.  Here are some of them, 
                         16th Jessie's wedding day.  
                          18th Nathan's birthday
                           19th grandpa's birthday we usually celebrate them at the same time around Father's day by having a huge cook out/ pool party.  Maybe a week later going to my grandparents for a weekend of fun since mom and Mark might be going to Cincinnati with a few couples.  Of course there is that musical that grandma told me about but like I said on the previous post that will probably not be till August.  Well I will keep you posted on how each event goes so stay tuned.  :)   

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