Tuesday, June 12, 2012

                                      Novel brainstorming
                                                 It has sure been awhile since I mentioned my novel hasn't it?  I am sure that some of you are wondering to yourself is she ever going get started or if I am going to give up totally.  Well I can tell you this I am not giving up but I had a severe case of writer's block and a couple people in my extended family advised me to take a break and not to do anything including the brainstorming and the ideas will come back and sure enough they have been pouring in ever since I went to dad's. Yes I would still take my black binder with me just in case the ideas would come when I would say I was at my grandma's or dad's and sure enough that's what happened.  In fact as soon as an idea for what I wanted a character to look like or what I wanted their names to be I intermediately wrote it down so I wouldn't forget.
                                             I have to admit that was one of my hugest mistakes.  There were times when I wouldn't write it down right when it came to me and when I went to do it later I had forgotten some of it such as what was color hair did I want this character to have LOL.  Dad kept on laughing at me as we were talking and as soon as I had an idea I'd open the binder and jot it down.  I must admit there is still some research to do before I can actually begin on the actual novel but it's progress.  I am still on the process of creating characters and it's funny because to get ideas on names I am going on baby websites looking at baby names.  Maybe I should ask for a baby book for my birthday LOL.  :)  I know Jessie used to do that to get ideas on names when she was working on her story ;)
                                            But anyway I was obsessed in doing that yesterday but unfortunately I can't spend as much time with that today I am afraid, I need to tend to my bedroom.  I never give my my bedroom a good cleaning like I said I was going to do LOL. Well I will keep you updated on how I am doing and what page I am on when I am actually writing pages.  :)  Well I am happy to say that mom is feeling a little better. ;)  I better get going lots of love.                                    

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