Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Switching things around


                                                  I think it's so funny how you think it is time for a switch on something whether it be a new book, or if you are going to switch things in the living room a little bit but it's weird because I have had the thought of switching things around also.  Recently I just switched books I was recently reading this book called HUGE and I was originally going to have that as my first book overview on this blog like I used to do but then Jess and I went wondering around at Books A Million and I recently purchased two books from there and I was just so eager to get started on those books so that will be the book I post on here when I finish.  I will not tell you the title you will just have to wait and see.  :-) But anyway as you all know by now I am on the brain storming process of my novel and an idea crept to me that I should switch gears and change it a bit and make it more sci fi fantasy like with whole new characters rather about a girl with a seizure disorder.  Now don't get me wrong that storyline of the strong willed determined girl that doesn't let anyone or anything keep her down will still be in the works because that IS so My story but told in a fiction way so don't fret I will still write it but I want to explore and try to create a whole new world and ask Jess for help if she wants.  She's good at that.  ;-)
                                             Well that's all for now.  Till next time. XOXO
                                                                                          Heather Aka (Frodo)

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