Monday, January 21, 2013

A blast from the past


                                          Well as you know Saturday was the day that I hung out dad and it sure did feel like a blast from the past.  See if you remember all the other times that I had went to dad's house I had actually told you about a menu but we really don't really do much anymore like we used to.  When he lived in Akron when my parents first got divorced we were on the go a lot when he had us every other weekend.  It seemed like Fridays we would go out to eat, then to the grocery store to get snacks and such and then we went to the video rental place to rent videos and then of course Saturday we were on our way to a movie and then go out to dinner.  Yes if you are asking we still did enjoy his good cooking.  
                                            There would be times where we wouldn't DO anything sundays and he would just cook while Nathan and I watched our videos that we rented for the last time but there were other times  where he he would say to me look up movie times for these movies and I would log onto the internet and look up the movie times.  Well anyway during dinner we always had discussions about the movie as far as whatever we liked it, what films it reminded you of.  There would be times where Nathan and I would laugh at dad because he would whistle music from the movie or imitate a certain character.  I think I got the biggest kick when he immigrated gollium from Lord of the rings and said "my precious, or stupid fat hobbit."  Anyway we saw many movies together but as we got older the movies kind of stopped and dad movied to lake cable so that was our fun for the time.
                                           Well anyway Saturday was like a blast from the past.  Dad wanted to see Les Miserables and of course he asked if I wanted to and of course I DID even though I had already seen it.  So dad picked me up and after dropping off my bag and purse and after watching Spider Man 3 to pass the time we were ready to go.  Dad kept on telling me how excited he was to see it and HE said it WAS one heck of a movie.  Afterwords we went out to dinner discussing things that went on and about the film and yes he was whistling some of the songs so it did feel like a blast from the past.  :)  He even said we should look for another movie.  Well anyway better get a move on it. We are doing a little prank on James who is coming to stay with us.  He is moving back to ohio with joy in the Cincinnati or columbus area.  That will be nice to see them more often.  Bye.    


  1. Very uplifting post. Hope you have many more "blasts for the past" with your dad.
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