Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A quiet Thankngiving, is it normal


                                                     Well Thanksgiving is over and as I promised I said I would update you on what we did, on how it was ect. As you can see from part of my title it was more quiet then the last couple years that we have had it.  Normally dad would ask a good friend of ours Dr Vretas and his wife to come over with her mother and of course there was James, Joy, and Hailee, and Nathan of course myself and he would do the turkey and all the sides that are popular on Thanksgiving and we would have fun socializing, eating, ect but at the end of the evening dad would look worn out and he said to me a month ago,
                                                     "It's too much for one person to do by themselves, I like to do it but it's so much work entertaining so many people by yourself I am just going to have you and Nate, and Hailee over this year."  
I didn't care how he wanted to celebrate it, I just wanted to celebrate it with him because for as far as I know Thanksgiving is Dad's favorite holiday as well and that is something I have in common with him. In fact when I got old enough to decide for myself where I wanted to spend the holidays with since my parents are divorced I always chose dad.  There is something about the way that dad is that makes the Thanksgiving holiday more special and makes me smile.
                                                 But anyway like I said this year was more quiet except for maybe the cell phones and timers going off.  A couple hours after I had woke I had sent everyone that I had knew that was  on my phone a text wishing them a Happy Thanksgiving and a little personal message like what I was Thankful for in them.  I had sent Jess one saying that I was thankful for her loyal friendship same with Becca.  :)  So my cell was constantly going and dad's was constantly ringing as well because James wanted to do the turkey just like his. But anyway it all came out great!  I got to admit it did feel a bit awkward at first with it being so quiet and without James and Joy there.  I got to admit I almost wish there was one more person just to fill in the silence a little but hey it was fun can't go wrong.  :) 
                                                 But anyway I am sure you know I stayed until Sunday and if you are a facebook follower you know what I have been up too.  Helping dad put up Christmas decorations and the tree.  I must admit it gets you into the holiday spirit and in the evenings we watched Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel.  So yes I am now getting in the Christmas spirit.  As I came home from dad's I have preparing for my trip to South Carolina.  Mom is helping me do my laundry and everything and going to help me pack Thursday.  I leave Friday 5:35 pm.  
                                                    I am REALLY excited but can't help but be nervous as well.  See I am flying by myself.  The last time I did this I was 11  maybe a little older but anyway I needed to be in the care of someone this time I don't. I can't help but think I am going to screw up.  I keep telling myself I won't I am being silly but I wonder if it is normal to feel nervous.  Mom gave me some good advice, she said,
                                "Follow the people when you get off the plane."  
                                  "Don't ever be afraid to ask for help, that's what they are there for."  So I'll take that advice but I still wonder if it is normal to feel a little nervous on your second flight alone.  Well better go, hope you had a great Thanksgiving :) 

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