Friday, October 24, 2014

Volunteering update (week 2)

              Well it's been a couple weeks since I got myself out in the field of volunteering and I thought I'd update you on the progress and how I like it.  I decided that I will keep you updated each week after I accomplished my week's worth of volunteering.  Right now it looks like Wednesdays, and Thursdays I'm GOING to be busy with volunteering at a theft store in Heartville, sorting and pricing books, and yes continuing my work at the animal shelter.  Then once a month I will be volunteering at Mighty Wind Christian church at their open house.  It is an event where the less fortunate or homeless come in to get food or shop for needed clothing or appliances free of charge.  Yes I volunteered there Wednesday and met a great group of people and they want me to come back.  Here is a little bit of what went on each day I volunteered.
                     Wednesday: Mighty Wind Christian Church 
                      Mom had offered to drop me off on her way to my grandparent's house.  I was relieved that she did because the doors to the church were locked and we literally had to pound on it.  Thoughts were streaming through my head like, "Oh no! was this a scam!"  But sure enough a gentleman by the name of Don answered along with a woman named Linda.  Mom explained I was here to volunteer and they ooed and awed and said come on in.  It was real easy work, it was basically hanging and putting clothes into boxes and bags and racks for the open house.  It was fun looking through the clothes.  Some of them still had tags on them and looked brand new.  Yes as we worked we chit chatted and had fun.  :)
                      Thursday: Animal Shelter 
                       I didn't do that much like the last time I was there.  I walked two dogs one looked like a black lab mix named Tank and one by the name of Chip.  Tank was funny he just wanted to sit in the grass and enjoy some fresh air so I let him and he kept sneaking me kisses.  I gave all the dogs and cats treats, and played with a cat by the name of sweetie boy.  
The pet of the day was a shepard mix by the name of Abby.  She was a cutie.  on her tag it said, gentle, good with kids, and housebroken.  ;)  If I was starting a family I would told the staff, "She's mine!" lol. 
                    How I'm enjoying it
                    I am enjoying volunteering greatly.  If I choose between the animal shelter and the church I would have to say the church.  The animal shelter can be difficult at times and there is really no consistency with the volunteers.  So I don't know what I am going to be doing when I go in which is hard.  Well better get to housework bye.    


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