Friday, October 17, 2014

Back in the volunteering and blogging world

                    Yes that's right I am Back!  It's been so long since I posted anything it feels great to be returning to the blogging world.  Yes you might be wondering if I'd even thought about my blog since I stopped and the answer was yes I thought about it quite a bit but some of the events that I thought would make a good post would not be appropriate to share on here.  But anyway for those who don't get on facebook or don't have an instagram account here is what occurred.
1. took a trip to Louisville with grandma to visit aunt Karla and her family.  ( No we didn't have a blow out, we traveled by grayhound bus)
2. celebrated 5 years seizure free
3. went camping down at the ohio river and carved pumpkins and participated in the festivel
4. spending time with grandma and grandpa at their house for they are moving
5. reading some fantastic books
6. working on my novel
7. searching and FINDING volunteer work.
               That's right, I am volunteering at The humane society.  I think it is important to raise awareness for those who speak differently.  Yes when I updated the status on facebook the likes came pouring in but also some warnings such as Happy for you but remember you can't adopt all."  I must admit I was Skeptical about volunteering there because I didn't think my personality was suitable for it.  I almost thought I was too HEARTLESS for it.  Such as I didn't feel bad to see a dog or kitten be put in a cage I thought "Do I really have to be so tough, why can't I have compassion?" 
                  Anyway I had witnessed a sad moment that proved that I DO have compassion and that I'm suitable to do this as I was about to sign out to catch my ride back home but more on that in a bit, here is what my first day was like:
Due to a leash that was broken a dog took me for walk rather than me taking the dog for a walk.  ( The dog was cute and spotted.  It resembled Crystal our old English cocker we had growing up.   a young man who worked there saw that I was having trouble and grabbed the leash, shook his head and said "it's broken." He helped me get the dog back in it's cage.
I tried to walk another dog but I couldn't get the cage open I finally thought, "I'm asking for another job." sure enough they gave me one which was bathing a litter of kittens.
That was fun and it passed the time too.  :)  I wouldn't mind doing that every time I am there.  There is always a staff or volunteer there to give you a hand.  Yes some do squirm but they are easy to handle.  Yes I made the mistake of taking my phone out of my back pack purse I had to take a photo for my cousin which did not come out good.  Anyway guess what happened I went to the bathroom and the cell got thrown in with the group of towels to get cleaned.  No, don't worry I still have it, and I got to feed the animals.
                                Okay about that sad moment when I realized that I DO have compassion.  I saw a lady come in with her dog.  It looked like a pit bull.   I am not sure of her name but I am sure it was Kayla.  I witnessed the woman standing with Kayla as I was about to sign out and at first I thought she was adopting but it was the other way around, she was giving Kayla to the humane society.  She was answering questions about the her and Kayla looked at me with sad eyes and wanted me to pet her.  Sure enough the staff member came and tried to take Kayla back but she would not budge the lady had to walk with them just to calm Kayla down.  I saw the woman walk out crying and I almost lost it.  I just wanted to give Kayla a treat.  Sure enough I walked around with a basket full of treats for the dogs.  Overall it was a fun experience.  I will be doing it weekly and still searching for other volunteer work out there that interests me.  I will keep you updated and post the pet of the day that is available.  Till next time.


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