Friday, September 21, 2012

The writer's block has been lifted


                                                 Well it's official!  the writer's block is has lifted and I officially began to work on the rough draft of my book.  :)  Just so you know I am hand writing it first and then when I am done I am going to type it out on the computer so that I can have a chance to re read anything that doesn't sound all great and than once I am done I will print out copies and give them out for people to read and see if I need to improve and change and such.  I am looking for honest opinions when I ask people to read my book when it's time.  If any of you are interested let me know but please don't be afraid to tell me what I need to do make it better when it is time and please don't be afraid to tell me it sucks which I am sure you wouldn't say it that way LOL you would just say it needs improvement.  Of course if you are following me on face book you know that I had wrote more then a half a page.  
                                           Well I have gone further now.  I am going to be on page 3.  It's funny because I first started working on this book before my laptop crashed and now as you know I have been doing my blogging on mom's but anyway my whole story was on there and we couldn't get it back so I had to start over which was a drag but I had purchased a couple books on the style of writing and I have been teaching myself as I go.  Pretty impressive huh? LOL.  Well anyway the only drawback with me and writing is I can get obsessed.  To the point when I don't even want to stop.  
                                         There was one time when I had to say to myself "Heather it's time to take a shower now or feed Onyx and in my head I would hear "just after I write this one more word or sentence and I end up writing a page more LOL.  There were times where I would ask Nathan to hide my black binder or laptop from me when we had company so it wouldn't get in the way.  Well anyway better get going. XOXO         

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