Sunday, September 16, 2012

Back to dad's house I went


                                                        You know it seems most of the titles of my posts this month except for a couple have to do with a topic or start with a similar letter which is B including the post that I am typing now.  It's funny because I am not even meaning to do that on purpose.  This month so far seems to a month full of revisiting people and places that I haven't been in awhile and even seeing friends from out of state such as Becca but anyway yesterday it was back to dad's and I must say it was like a whirlwind at first.  See he was originally going to pick me up at 12 but text me asking if an hour earlier would be OK which I said that would be better.  Which of course was dumb because that meant 11 but I thought was 1:00.  
                                                    I know silly me.  My phone was charging in my room when he called and of course where was I? I was in the living room watching an episode Hey Arnold and Nathan raced downstairs saying dad is trying to get a hold of you.  I of course yelled a swear word and I run up and call and I find out he is in the driveway.  To make it worse I am not even dressed nor packed yet but since I didn't have much to pack a whole lot and since I already brushed my teeth and hair it took no time but still it felt like a whirl wind. 
                                          But anyway after a bit we were on our way.  Dad didn't mind.  He just laughed and he said Mark was talking to him as I was getting ready so that made me feel better.  But anyway we did our usual which is grocery shop, play Yahtzee (which he won, talk, and watch TV.  No we didn't watch no boring golf tournament like the last few times I have been there.  We watched the food network, and football and I watched The Blind side last night when I was relaxing in dad's room in his cozy bed LOL.  
                                        In fact that was the first time that I didn't watch one of my own DVDs when I was there.  Anyway dad was saying that we have to take a ride to amish county one day to visit and sample their cheese factory that they have because one of the cooking shows that we watched had to do with cheeses LOL.  Well anyway that's all for now, I better get going.  so till next time XOXO  

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