Friday, August 31, 2012

Trouble staying on task

                                              Have any of you ever had or maybe still have trouble with staying on task?  Trust me this has always been an issue with me for as long as I can remember.  I will never forget when the report cards would come out and there would be a little check mark beside the staying on task square which meant needs improvement.  Of course my little smile would go into a frown because I wanted a perfect report card for my parents to look at but of course with my challenges I felt like I couldn't give them that perfect report card.  Well anyway I felt like it DID improve a little bit when I got to middle school and High school because we switched classes and it seemed it just seemed easier to stay on task and concentrate on that particular assignment even though it might not have been easy.  :)
                                               Well anyway I think part of the reason why it became a little easier to just focus on my school work was because I didn't enjoy reading for pleasure anymore.  The medications that I was taking were causing ringing in the ears and no matter how hard I would just try to read a novel in the quiet of my room I couldn't because it seemed like all I could hear was buzzing so I would say the only reading I would do would be for my homework assignments and such.  But anyway it had never left.  I still got sidetracked easily especially when a favorite show was on or say my mom got home from work, I'd stop what I was doing and greet everyone.
                                            It was almost like I was Onyx LOL. Well anyway I would say it has gotten pretty bad again since I am no longer in school, and since I have had my brain surgery because I have no ringing in the ears and I can enjoy the pleasure of reading again which I would say is the culprit because they are preventing me from doing the task that I DO need to get done which is....... clean my room.  Every time I start I will pick up a few clothes and end up picking up the book and getting sucked into the wonderful story.  :)  Maybe I should ask mom to hide my books until the room is spotless LOL.  Well better go.  Sorry if this post sounded like I was complaining but I did need to share what I was feeling.  Hope you don't mind if I do that.  :)    

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