Saturday, March 10, 2012

                               Seizure awareness update/ frigid morning 
                                         You guys probably are wondering if I'm ever going to update you on the seizure awareness walk that I am planning.  I am at the phase now where I am just getting the word out but the people that I have told are really interested in taking part in and sponsoring such as our hair dresser.  During the fish fry last night we spread the news and I was telling them that I was planning and of course just like everyone else they got excited.  I told them that the epilepsy foundation had other ideas as far as what you could do to raise money, you could have a dinner party, 
                                       host a concert
                                       have a bake sale 
                                       have a bowling or soccer tournament 
                                       have a golf outting and of course have your own bikethon or walk like I was planning.  The more we talked everyone liked the bowling idea better, me included.  I wouldn't have to worry about the weather.  My cousin's husband Tod knows of someone who could possibly give us a discount on a bowling alley and mom thinks it will bring more people. Everyone is getting really excited and mom wants everyone to wear purple shirts like I said before is the seizure awareness color.  But I am open to any ideas that anyone has, so if anyone has any they can leave me a message on facebook or comment or email me.
                  Well anyway for the record Rachel wasn't at the fish fry.  From what I heard she and her mom, Aunt Millie and her nephew Anthony were in Heart ville. From what I heard Rachel was feeling pretty tired and just wanted everyone to come over to aunt Millie's house but unfortunately no one really felt like it because everyone was tired and it was cold.  But to our diss pair the inside of our house would be just as cold as the outside.  Mom thought that the themas stat just needed some new batteries but we were in for a rude awakening.  
                   This morning the house was frigid.  Mark was complaining that even his clothes were cold when he was getting ready for golf.  Mom couldn't get motivated to take her shower and we were thankful when the repair guy came.  He got the heat started again but he warned us that it could go out again because there is something wrong with the motor.  Good Lord what next, it seems like everything is falling apart around here.  Well I got to go unload the dishwasher.
                                                                                           Till next time,


  1. I like the idea of asking everyone to wear purple! Maybe you could ask people and/or businesses to donate stuff to make baskets to raffle at your event. That's always fun. Good luck and keep us posted!

    Christie (Jessica's mom)

    1. i will. All the updates about the seizure awareness event will be in purpule
