Tuesday, February 14, 2012

                       Be My Valentine!
            It's Valentine's day at last!  A day where you show love and affection to the one you care about!  I always loved valentines day ever since I was a little girl.  I loved handing out valentines cards and just seeing hearts all over.  As you guys probably noticed I changed the background of my blog.  I have always loved hearts, but the thing is I couldn't never draw a good heart until I was in 5th grade.  
             Whenever I would draw one by hand they would look like a kidney bean.  I couldn't even cut one out of construction paper.  They would just break apart.  Who wants a broken heart LOL.  But anyway I can hand draw one now but I am not so sure on the construction paper hearts.  But as I was watching TV yesterday morning an interesting thought came to me.  "I don't have a Valentine."  When I told that to my mom she just laughed and said,
               "What are you talking about, you've got me, I'll be you're Valentine."  I laughed and told her that she already had a valentine, she had Mark and it wasn't the same.  Almost everyone I know has a Valentine including Jess and than I thought of my cousin Ricky in Mexico.  We are both single as far as I know and we are really close.  Well better sign off for now.  Happy  Valentine's day everyone!

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