Tuesday, May 15, 2012

                                             Offering a little help
                                            Geez there must have been something going around here lately as far as an illness.  It seemed to start on the night of my mom's surprise party and some people I won't say names had to leave early.  Well anyway from what I heard grandma was the last person to get the illness.  She started to feel ill the Wednesday before mom's birthday. In fact she had to cancel our dinner plans that we had with them that night.  
                                     Well yes, she was feeling well on mother's day but she isn't back to herself yet and from what I hear grandpa is in pain.  From what I hear he needs to have his shoulder replaced and is in severe pain he is having trouble working in the yard such as mowing the lawn.  Mom mentioned the idea of everyone such as uncle Roger and aunt Karla and the rest of the siblings pitching in and paying for someone to come out to mow the lawn for the summer.  I mentioned that grandpa might not like the idea because he seems to always be out in the yard doing that stuff and mom said he might not have a choice anymore, when he is in so much pain so she is researching for anyone who is in the lawn care service or does yard work.  She text cousin Charlotte who knows of a guy who does her kids lawn but I heard mom tell Mark that she'll be open to any more references.  So if any of you who are following knows of a person who mows lawns or any kind of lawn service please comment.  Thank you  :) Well it's getting late and I think I am going to turn in.  Sweet dreams.       

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