The M.S. walk experience
Well........ I did it, I walked the M.S walk and like I said on my last post it is an experience I will never forget. My mom had dropped me off a little late so I wasn't able to get in the team photo but that didn't bother me because I don't look great in photos anyway but I was able to join Ashley and the rest of her team and be able to talk with them before the buses loaded up and transported us to our walking destination. There were a couple people from our extended family there. One was our cousin Jessica, and another was Ashley's nephew Michael and when I got on the bus I was joined by our cousin Charlotte who recently joined my blog. She was the one I ended up walking next to all through the walk.
There were many people from different teams walking alongside us as well. For the record we didn't have numbers like most marathons or walkathons. When you checked in they gave you a sticker and on that sticker you put your name and the team or person you are walking for. But anyway they also had these balloons that you could carry that said MOVE TO STOP M.S. There were lots of kids and dogs as well. One family had a wagon and put their young children in and one woman carried her laughing daughter on her shoulders. LOL that was funny to see because she kept on yelling for her mother to go faster so that she could be in the front :)
Well anyway like I said we loaded on school buses and the they transported us to our walking path. So you know I thought it was 3 mile walk but it turned out to be a 4 mile walk. Of course on the half way point there were school buses waiting for anyone who wanted to stop and there was water and apples and food all free of charge. Overall it was a great experience and I thank Ashley for inviting me to join. If you decide to do it again next year Ashley I am in!
Good for you! Glad it was such a positive experience!!